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Growing Together: Social Activities

We know how important it is for families to connect! That is why we include a plethora of activities in our program that engage both you and your child with the opportunity to receive support and make lasting friendships. Our educational field trips provide parents with plenty of "out of the classroom" experience that is so vital to learning! Families who are registered with The Well will have access to field trips and events through our parent portal. Each field trip has a separate cost associated with it.

Are you only looking for field trips and events throughout the year? We offer a Field Trip and Events membership with a registration fee of $60 per family per school year. This will give you access to the parent portal and allow you to sign up for field trips. Each field trip has a separate cost associated with it.

Example Theme Days

Be YOU-nique Day

Fiesta Floats Day

Missionary Day

Super Hero Day

Pajama Day

Crazy Hair Day

Inside Out Day

Book Character Day

Culture Day

Career Day

Example Field Trips

Morgan's Wonderland

Wonderland Park

Meadows Center

HEB Tour

Urban Air

Herff Farm Homestead

Witte Museum


San Antonio Art

San Antonio Aquarium

San Antonio Zoo

Snake Farm and Zoo

Owl Creek Farm

Sea World

Example Fellowship Events

Park Days

Reformation Party

Thanksgiving Party

Christmas Party

Christmas Production

Art Fair

Valentine's Day Party

End of Year Production

Science Fair

Parent Prayer

Parent Bible Study

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